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Isaac Mayer Wise


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  • When Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of Cincinnati, Ohio, met with the President on January 6, 1863, to thank him, Lincoln reportedly replied that "to condemn a class is, to say the least, to wrong the good with the bad," and that he would not allow any American to be discriminated against because of his religion.

    Menachem Rosensaft: Judge Romney on Policies, Not Faith Menachem Rosensaft 2011

  • Born on September 19, 1892, to second-generation German Jewish immigrants in Chattanooga, Tennessee, she was the granddaughter of the renowned Reform rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise.

    Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger. 2009

  • Isaac Mayer Wise, for example, who was a major advocate of mixed male-female seating, criticized this tendency in American Judaism.

    German Immigrant Period in the United States. 2009

  • It may also be that the emerging female majority at Sabbath services influenced leaders of the Reform Movement like Isaac Mayer Wise, David Einhorn, and others to begin to call for mixed seating.

    German Immigrant Period in the United States. 2009

  • Hailed by local newspapers as a “latter-day Deborah,” referring to the biblical judge and religious leader, and erroneously labeled a “Lady Rabbi,” she came to the attention of Reform rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, president of Hebrew Union College (HUC), the rabbinical seminary that he had founded a decade earlier in Cincinnati.

    Ray Frank. 2009

  • Although HUC president Isaac Mayer Wise had often called for the creation of a “female theological seminary,” nothing along these lines ever emerged.

    Reform Judaism in the United States. 2009

  • Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise 1819-1900 was the leading organizational genius behind the rise of American Reform Judaism in the late 19th century.

    March 2009 2009

  • When Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of Cincinnati, Ohio, met with the President on January 6, 1863, to thank him, Lincoln reportedly replied that "to condemn a class is, to say the least, to wrong the good with the bad," and that he would not allow any American to be discriminated against because of his religion.

    The Full Feed from Menachem Rosensaft 2011

  • As when in 1858Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, one of the founders of Reform Judaism in America, declared that the American Independence Day was a second Passover: “the fourth of July tells us the glorious story of the second redemption of mankind from the hands of their oppressors, the second interposition of Providence in behalf of liberty, the second era of the redemption of mankind, the second triumph of right over might, justice over arbitrary despotism, personal and legal liberty over the power of the strongest and most warlike.”

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Bloggingheads TV on Moses as the essential American hero 2009

  • The story of Isaac Mayer Wise, who created Reform Judaism - News 2010


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